azalea : Idioms & Phrases

alpine azalea

  • noun creeping mat-forming evergreen shrub of high mountain regions of northern hemisphere grown for its rose-pink flowers
    Loiseleuria procumbens; alpine azalea.

false azalea

  • noun straggling shrub of northwestern North America having foliage with a bluish tinge and umbels of small bell-shaped flowers
    Menziesia ferruginea; fool's huckleberry.

mountain azalea

  • noun creeping mat-forming evergreen shrub of high mountain regions of northern hemisphere grown for its rose-pink flowers
    Loiseleuria procumbens; alpine azalea.

subgenus azalea

  • noun group of evergreen or deciduous shrubs formerly considered a separate genus; now included in the genus Rhododendron
    Azaleastrum; subgenus Azaleastrum.

swamp azalea

  • noun shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish flowers resembling honeysuckle
    Rhododendron viscosum; white honeysuckle; swamp honeysuckle.