auger : Idioms & Phrases

Auger bit

  • a bit with a cutting edge or blade like that of an anger.
Webster 1913

Bolt auger

  • an auger of large size; an auger to make holes for the bolts used by shipwrights.
Webster 1913

closet auger

  • noun a snake used to unblock toilets

Earth auger

  • a form of auger for boring into the ground; called also earth borer.
Webster 1913

Pod auger, ∨ pod bit

  • an auger or bit the channel of which is straight instead of twisted.
Webster 1913

screw auger

  • noun hand tool for boring holes
    auger; gimlet; wimble.

trap-and-drain auger

  • noun a plumber's snake for clearing a trap and drain