atrioventricular : Idioms & Phrases

atrioventricular block

  • noun recurrent sudden attacks of unconsciousness caused by impaired conduction of the impulse that regulates the heartbeat
    heart block; Stokes-Adams syndrome; Adams-Stokes syndrome.

atrioventricular bundle

  • noun a bundle of modified heart muscle that transmits the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles causing them to contract
    truncus atrioventricularis; bundle of His; atrioventricular bundle.

atrioventricular nodal rhythm

  • noun the normal cardiac rhythm when the heart is controlled by the atrioventricular node
    nodal rhythm.

atrioventricular node

  • noun a node of specialized heart muscle located in the septal wall of the right atrium; receives impulses from the sinoatrial node and transmits them to atrioventricular bundle

atrioventricular trunk

  • noun a bundle of modified heart muscle that transmits the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles causing them to contract
    truncus atrioventricularis; bundle of His; atrioventricular bundle.

atrioventricular valve

  • noun either of two heart valves through which blood flows from the atria to the ventricles; prevents return of blood to the atrium

left atrioventricular valve

  • noun valve with two cusps; situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle
    mitral valve; bicuspid valve.

right atrioventricular valve

  • noun valve with three cusps; situated between the right atrium and the right ventricle; allows blood to pass from atrium to ventricle and closes to prevent backflow when the ventricle contracts
    tricuspid valve.