asphodel : Idioms & Phrases

american bog asphodel

  • noun of the eastern United States: New Jersey to South Carolina
    Narthecium americanum.

bog asphodel

  • noun either of two herbaceous rushlike bog plants having small yellow flowers and grasslike leaves; north temperate regions

european bog asphodel

  • noun of western Europe: Scandinavia to northern Spain and Portugal
    Narthecium ossifragum.

false asphodel

  • noun a plant of the genus Tofieldia having linear chiefly basal leaves and small spicate flowers

Marsh asphodel

  • (Bot.), a plant (Nartheeium ossifragum) with linear equitant leaves, and a raceme of small white flowers; called also bog asphodel.
Webster 1913

scotch asphodel

  • noun false asphodel having spikes of white flowers; of mountainous regions of Europe
    Tofieldia pusilla.

yellow asphodel

  • noun asphodel with leafy stem and fragrant yellow flowers
    king's spear; Asphodeline lutea.