arbutus : Idioms & Phrases

arbutus menziesii

  • noun evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning
    manzanita; madrono; madrona.

arbutus unedo

  • noun small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland; of Ireland, southern Europe, Asia Minor
    strawberry tree; Irish strawberry.

genus arbutus

  • noun large evergreen shrubs and trees of southern Europe and western North America: strawberry tree; madrona

Trailing arbutus

  • noun low-growing evergreen shrub of eastern North America with leathery leaves and clusters of fragrant pink or white flowers
    Epigaea repens; mayflower.
  • (Bot.), a creeping or trailing plant of the Heath family (Epigæa repens), having white or usually rose-colored flowers with a delicate fragrance, growing in small axillary clusters, and appearing early in the spring; in New England known as mayflower; called also ground laurel.
Webster 1913