aphasia : Idioms & Phrases

acoustic aphasia

  • noun an impairment in understanding spoken language that is not attributable to hearing loss
    word deafness; acoustic aphasia.

amnesic aphasia

  • noun inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects
    anomic aphasia; amnestic aphasia; amnesic aphasia; anomia.

amnestic aphasia

  • noun inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects
    anomic aphasia; amnestic aphasia; amnesic aphasia; anomia.

anomic aphasia

  • noun inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects
    anomic aphasia; amnestic aphasia; amnesic aphasia; anomia.

associative aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which the lesion is assumed to be in the association tracts connecting the various language centers in the brain; patient's have difficulty repeating a sentence just heard
    associative aphasia.

ataxic aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired
    ataxic aphasia; Broca's aphasia; motor aphasia; expressive aphasia.

auditory aphasia

  • noun an impairment in understanding spoken language that is not attributable to hearing loss
    word deafness; acoustic aphasia.

broca's aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired
    ataxic aphasia; Broca's aphasia; motor aphasia; expressive aphasia.

conduction aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which the lesion is assumed to be in the association tracts connecting the various language centers in the brain; patient's have difficulty repeating a sentence just heard
    associative aphasia.

expressive aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired
    ataxic aphasia; Broca's aphasia; motor aphasia; expressive aphasia.

fluent aphasia

  • noun aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words
    receptive aphasia; sensory aphasia; fluent aphasia; impressive aphasia.

global aphasia

  • noun loss of all ability to communicate
    global aphasia.

impressive aphasia

  • noun aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words
    receptive aphasia; sensory aphasia; fluent aphasia; impressive aphasia.

motor aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired
    ataxic aphasia; Broca's aphasia; motor aphasia; expressive aphasia.

nominal aphasia

  • noun inability to name objects or to recognize written or spoken names of objects
    anomic aphasia; amnestic aphasia; amnesic aphasia; anomia.

nonfluent aphasia

  • noun aphasia in which expression by speech or writing is severely impaired
    ataxic aphasia; Broca's aphasia; motor aphasia; expressive aphasia.

receptive aphasia

  • noun aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words
    receptive aphasia; sensory aphasia; fluent aphasia; impressive aphasia.

sensory aphasia

  • noun aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words
    receptive aphasia; sensory aphasia; fluent aphasia; impressive aphasia.

total aphasia

  • noun loss of all ability to communicate
    global aphasia.

transcortical aphasia

  • noun a general term for aphasia that results from lesions outside of Broca's area or Wernicke's area of the cerebral cortex

visual aphasia

  • noun inability to perceive written words
    alexia; word blindness.

wernicke's aphasia

  • noun aphasia characterized by fluent but meaningless speech and severe impairment of the ability understand spoken or written words
    receptive aphasia; sensory aphasia; fluent aphasia; impressive aphasia.