ancient : Idioms & Phrases

Ancient demesne

  • (Eng. Law), a tenure by which all manors belonging to the crown, in the reign of William the Conqueror, were held. The numbers, names, etc., of these were all entered in a book called Domesday Book.
Webster 1913

ancient greek

  • noun the Greek language prior to the Roman Empire

ancient history

  • noun a history of the ancient world
  • noun knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence

Ancient lights

  • (Law), windows and other openings which have been enjoined without molestation for more than twenty years. In England, and in some of the United States, they acquire a prescriptive right.
Webster 1913

ancient pine

  • noun small slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine; chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of 5; crown conic but becoming rough and twisted; oldest plant in the world growing to 5000 years in cold semidesert mountain tops
    Pinus longaeva.

Council of Ancients

  • (French Hist.), one of the two assemblies composing the legislative bodies in 1795. Brande.
Webster 1913

seven wonders of the ancient world

  • noun impressive monuments created in the ancient world that were regarded with awe
    Seven Wonders of the World.

The ancient régime, ∨ Ancien régime

  • F., the former political and social system, as distinguished from the modern; especially, the political and social system existing in France before the Revolution of 1789.
Webster 1913