absolute : Idioms & Phrases

ablative absolute

  • noun a constituent in Latin grammar; a noun and its modifier can function as a sentence modifier
  • a construction in Latin, in which a noun in the ablative case has a participle (either expressed or implied), agreeing with it in gender, number, and case, both words forming a clause by themselves and being unconnected, grammatically, with the rest of the sentence; as, Tarquinio regnante, Pythagoras venit, i. e., Tarquinius reigning, Pythagoras came.
Webster 1913

absolute alcohol

  • noun pure ethyl alcohol (containing no more than 1% water)

absolute ceiling

  • noun the maximum altitude at which an airplane can maintain horizontal flight

Absolute curvature

  • (Geom.), that curvature of a curve of double curvature, which is measured in the osculating plane of the curve.
Webster 1913

Absolute equation

  • (Astron.), the sum of the optic and eccentric equations.
Webster 1913

absolute frequency

  • noun the number of observations in a given statistical category

absolute magnitude

  • noun (astronomy) the magnitude that a star would have if it were viewed from a distance of 10 parsecs (32.62 light years) from the earth

absolute majority

  • noun (elections) more than half of the votes

absolute pitch

  • noun the ability to identify the pitch of a tone
    perfect pitch.

absolute scale

  • noun a temperature scale that defines absolute zero as 0 degrees; water freezes at 273.16 degrees and boils at 373.16 degrees
    Kelvin scale.

Absolute space

  • noun physical space independent of what occupies it
  • (Physics), space considered without relation to material limits or objects.
Webster 1913

Absolute temperature

  • noun temperature measured on the absolute scale
  • (Physics), the temperature as measured on a scale determined by certain general thermo-dynamic principles, and reckoned from the absolute zero.
Webster 1913

Absolute terms

  • . (Alg.), such as are known, or which do not contain the unknown quantity. Davies & Peck.
Webster 1913

absolute threshold

  • noun the lowest level of stimulation that a person can detect

absolute value

  • noun a real number regardless of its sign
    numerical value.

absolute viscosity

  • noun a measure of the resistance to flow of a fluid under an applied force
    coefficient of viscosity; dynamic viscosity.

Absolute zero

  • noun (cryogenics) the lowest temperature theoretically attainable (at which the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules is minimal); 0 Kelvin or -273.15 centigrade or -459.67 Fahrenheit
  • (Physics), the be ginning, or zero point, in the scale of absolute temperature. It is equivalent to -273° centigrade or -459.4° Fahrenheit.
Webster 1913

bar absolute

  • noun the absolute unit of pressure equal to one dyne per square centimeter
    microbar; barye.

Genitive absolute

  • a construction in Greek similar to the ablative absolute in Latin. See Ablative absolute.
Webster 1913