twang Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a sharp vibrating sound (as of a plucked string)
  2. noun exaggerated nasality in speech (as in some regional dialects)
    nasal twang.
  3. verb cause to sound with a twang
    • He twanged the guitar string
  4. verb sound with a twang
    • the bowstring was twanging
  5. verb twitch or throb with pain
  6. verb pluck (strings of an instrument)
    • He twanged his bow
  7. verb pronounce with a nasal twang


Twang noun
  1. A tang. See Tang a state. R.
Twang intransitive verb
Of imitative origin; cf. Tang a sharp sound, Tinkle.
imperfect & past participle Twanged ; present participle & verbal noun Twanging
  1. To sound with a quick, harsh noise; to make the sound of a tense string pulled and suddenly let go; as, the bowstring twanged.
Twang transitive verb
  1. To make to sound, as by pulling a tense string and letting it go suddenly.
    Sounds the tough horn, and twangs the quivering string. Pope.
Twang noun
  1. A harsh, quick sound, like that made by a stretched string when pulled and suddenly let go; as, the twang of a bowstring.
  2. An affected modulation of the voice; a kind of nasal sound.
    He has such a twang in his discourse. Arbuthnot.

Webster 1913