solvent Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances
    dissolver; dissolving agent; resolvent; dissolvent.
    • the solvent does not change its state in forming a solution
  2. noun a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
    answer; resolution; solution; result.
    • they were trying to find a peaceful solution
    • the answers were in the back of the book
    • he computed the result to four decimal places
  3. adjective capable of meeting financial obligations


Sol"vent adjective
L. solvens, of solvere. See Solvable.
  1. Having the power of dissolving; dissolving; as, a solvent fluid. "the solvent body." Boyle.
  2. Able or sufficient to pay all just debts; as, a solvent merchant; the estate is solvent.
Sol"vent noun
  1. (Chem.) A substance (usually liquid) suitable for, or employed in, solution, or in dissolving something; as, water is the appropriate solvent of most salts, alcohol of resins, ether of fats, and mercury or acids of metal, etc.
  2. That which resolves; as, a solvent of mystery.

Webster 1913