rarity Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun noteworthy scarcity
    rareness; infrequency.
  2. noun a rarified quality
    low density; tenuity.
    • the tenuity of the upper atmosphere
  3. noun something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting
    oddment; oddity; peculiarity; curiosity; curio.


Rar"i*ty noun
L. raritas: cf. F. rareté. See Rare.
plural Rarities
  1. The quality or state of being rare; rareness; thinness; as, the rarity (contrasted with the density) of gases.
  2. That which is rare; an uncommon thing; a thing valued for its scarcity.
    I saw three rarities of different kinds, which pleased me more than any other shows in the place. Addison.

Webster 1913