oxidize Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. verb enter into a combination with oxygen or become converted into an oxide
    oxidise; oxidate.
    • This metal oxidizes easily
  2. verb add oxygen to or combine with oxygen
    oxidise; oxidate.


Ox"i*dize transitive verb
imperfect & past participle Oxidized ; present participle & verbal noun Oxidizing
  1. (Chem.) To combine with oxygen, or subject to the action of oxygen, or of an oxidizing agent. Specifically: (a) To combine with oxygen or with more oxygen; to add oxygen to; as, to oxidize nitrous acid so as to form nitric acid. (b) To remove hydrogen from (anything), as by the action of oxygen; as, to oxidize alcohol so as to form aldehyde. (c) To subject to the action of oxygen or of an oxidizing agent, so as to bring to a higher grade, as an -ous compound to an -ic compound; as, to oxidize mercurous chloride to mercuric chloride. ✍ In certain cases to oxidize is identical with to acidify; for, in nearly all cases, the more oxygen a substance contains the more nearly does it approximate to acid qualities; thus, by oxidation many elements, as sulphur, nitrogen, carbon, chromium, manganese, etc., pass into compounds which are acid anhydrides, and thus practically in the acid state.

Webster 1913