mordant Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a substance used to treat leather or other materials before dyeing; aids in dyeing process
  2. adjective satellite harshly ironic or sinister
    black; grim.
    • black humor
    • a grim joke
    • grim laughter
    • fun ranging from slapstick clowning ... to savage mordant wit
  3. adjective satellite of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
    erosive; vitriolic; corrosive; caustic.


Mor"dant adjective
F., of mordere to bite; L. mordere. See Morsel.
  1. Biting; caustic; sarcastic; keen; severe.
  2. (Dyeing & Calico Printing) Serving to fix colors.
Mor"dant noun
F., originally, biting.
  1. Any corroding substance used in etching.
  2. (Dyeing & Calico Printing) Any substance, as alum or copperas, which, having a twofold attraction for organic fibers and coloring matter, serves as a bond of union, and thus gives fixity to, or bites in, the dyes.
  3. (Gilding) Any sticky matter by which the gold leaf is made to adhere.
Mor"dant transitive verb
imperfect & past participle Mordanted; present participle & verbal noun Mordanting
  1. To subject to the action of, or imbue with, a mordant; as, to mordant goods for dyeing.

Webster 1913