lampoon Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way
    pasquinade; mockery; takeoff; travesty; sendup; put-on; spoof; charade; burlesque; parody.
  2. verb ridicule with satire
    satirize; satirise.
    • The writer satirized the politician's proposal


Lam*poon" noun
F. lampon a drinking song, fr. lampons let us drink, -- the burden of such a song, fr. lamper to guzzle, to drink much and greedily; of German origin, and akin to E. lap to drink. Prob. so called because drinking songs often contain personal slander or satire.
  1. A personal satire in writing; usually, malicious and abusive censure written only to reproach and distress.
    Like her who missed her name in a lampoon, And grieved to find herself decayed so soon. Dryden.
Lam*poon" transitive verb
imperfect & past participle Lampooned ; present participle & verbal noun Lampooning
  1. To subject to abusive ridicule expressed in writing; to make the subject of a lampoon.
    Ribald poets had lampooned him. Macaulay.
    Syn. -- To libel; defame; satirize; lash.

Webster 1913