foible Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual
    idiosyncrasy; mannerism.
  2. noun the weaker part of a sword's blade from the forte to the tip


Foi"ble adjective
OF. foible. See Feeble.
  1. Weak; feeble. Obs. Lord Herbert.
Foi"ble noun
  1. A moral weakness; a failing; a weak point; a frailty.
    A disposition radically noble and generous, clouded and overshadowed by superficial foibles. De Quincey.
  2. The half of a sword blade or foil blade nearest the point; -- opposed to forte. Written also faible. Syn. -- Fault; imperfection; failing; weakness; infirmity; frailty; defect. See Fault.

Webster 1913