equestrian Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a man skilled in equitation
    horseback rider; horseman.
  2. adjective of or relating to or composed of knights
  3. adjective of or relating to or featuring horseback riding


E*ques"tri*an adjective
L. equester, from eques horseman, fr. equus horse: cf. F. équestre. See Equine.
  1. Of or pertaining to horses or horsemen, or to horsemanship; as, equestrian feats, or games.
  2. Being or riding on horseback; mounted; as, an equestrian statue.
    An equestrian lady appeared upon the plains. Spectator.
  3. Belonging to, or composed of, the ancient Roman equities or knights; as, the equestrian order. Burke.
E*ques"tri*an noun
  1. One who rides on horseback; a horseman; a rider.

Webster 1913