daft Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. adjective satellite informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
    loco; wacky; loopy; bats; haywire; nuts; balmy; kooky; nutty; barmy; around the bend; buggy; kookie; loony; whacky; crackers; round the bend; dotty; batty; cracked; fruity; bonkers.
    • it used to drive my husband balmy


Daft adjective
OE. daft, deft, deft, stupid; prob. the same word as E. deft. See Deft.
  1. Stupid; folish; idiotic; also, delirious; insance; as, he has gone daft.
    Let us think no more of this daft business Sir W. Scott.
  2. Gay; playful; frolicsome. Scot. Jamieson.

Webster 1913