constitute Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. verb form or compose
    represent; be; comprise; make up.
    • This money is my only income
    • The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance
    • These constitute my entire belonging
    • The children made up the chorus
    • This sum represents my entire income for a year
    • These few men comprise his entire army
  2. verb create and charge with a task or function
    appoint; nominate; name.
    • nominate a committee
  3. verb to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"
    make; form.
    • The branches made a roof
    • This makes a fine introduction
  4. verb set up or lay the groundwork for
    found; plant; establish; institute.
    • establish a new department


Con"sti*tute transitive verb
L. constitutus, p.p. of constiture to constitute; con- + statuere to place, set, fr. status station, fr. stare to stand. See Stand.
imperfect & past participle Constituted; present participle & verbal noun Constituting
  1. To cause to stand; to establish; to enact.
    Laws appointed and constituted by lawful authority. Jer. Taylor.
  2. To make up; to compose; to form.
    Truth and reason constitute that intellectual gold that defies destruction. Johnson.
  3. To appoint, depute, or elect to an offie; to make and empower.
    Me didst Thou constitute a priest of thine. Wordsworth.
Con"sti*tute noun
  1. An established law. Obs. T. Preston.

Webster 1913