blistering Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun the formation of vesicles in or beneath the skin
    vesiculation; vesication.
  2. verb get blistered
    blister; vesicate.
    • Her feet blistered during the long hike
  3. verb subject to harsh criticism
    blister; scald; whip.
    • The Senator blistered the administration in his speech on Friday
    • the professor scaled the students
    • your invectives scorched the community
  4. verb cause blisters to form on
    • the tight shoes and perspiration blistered her feet
  5. adjective satellite harsh or corrosive in tone
    acerbic; acrid; vitriolic; virulent; sulphurous; acerb; sulfurous; caustic; acid; bitter.
    • an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
    • a barrage of acid comments
    • her acrid remarks make her many enemies
    • bitter words
    • blistering criticism
    • caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
    • a sulfurous denunciation
    • a vitriolic critique
  6. adjective satellite hot enough to raise (or as if to raise) blisters
    • blistering sun
  7. adjective satellite very fast; capable of quick response and great speed
    hot; red-hot.
    • a hot sports car
    • a blistering pace
    • got off to a hot start
    • in hot pursuit
    • a red-hot line drive
