avalanche Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a slide of large masses of snow and ice and mud down a mountain
  2. noun a sudden appearance of an overwhelming number of things
    • the program brought an avalanche of mail
  3. verb gather into a huge mass and roll down a mountain, of snow
    roll down.


Av"a*lanche` noun
F. avalanche, fr. avaler to descend, to let down, from aval down, downward; (L. ad) + val, L. vallis, valley. See Valley.
  1. A large mass or body of snow and ice sliding swiftly down a mountain side, or falling down a precipice.
  2. A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice.
  3. A sudden, great, or irresistible descent or influx of anything.

Webster 1913