assart Meaning, Definition & Usage

As*sart" noun
OF. essart the grubbing up of trees, fr. essarter to grub up or clear ground of bushes, shrubs, trees, etc., fr. LL. exartum, exartare, for exsaritare; L. ex + sarire, sarrire, saritum, to hoe, weed.
  1. (Old Law) The act or offense of grubbing up trees and bushes, and thus destroying the tickets or coverts of a forest. Spelman. Cowell.
  2. A piece of land cleared of trees and bushes, and fitted for cultivation; a clearing. Ash.
As*sart" transitive verb
  1. To grub up, as trees; to commit an assart upon; as, to assart land or trees. Ashmole.

Webster 1913