anodyne Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a medicine used to relieve pain
    analgesic; pain pill; painkiller.
  2. adjective satellite capable of relieving pain
    analgesic; analgetic.
    • the anodyne properties of certain drugs
    • an analgesic effect


An"o*dyne adjective
L. anodynus, Gr. free from pain, stilling pain; priv. + pain: cf. F. anodin.
  1. Serving to assuage pain; soothing.
    The anodyne draught of oblivion. Burke.
    ✍ "The word [in a medical sense] in chiefly applied to the different preparations of opium, belladonna, hyoscyamus, and lettuce." Am. Cyc.
An"o*dyne noun
L. anodynon. See Anodyne, a.
  1. Any medicine which allays pain, as an opiate or narcotic; anything that soothes disturbed feelings.

Webster 1913