osmotic: Associated Words
Words described by osmotic & Words describing osmotic
- crystalloidalnoun«
- upshiftnoun«
- colloidnoun«
- diuresisnoun«
- crystalloidverb«
- diarrheasnoun«
- colloidaladj«
- fragilitiesnoun«
- hyperglycemicadj«
- dilatorsnoun«
- molaladj«
- fragilitynoun«
- ecfnoun«
- laxativesnoun«
- implantableadj«
- suctionsnoun verb«
- erythrocytenoun«
- demyelinationnoun«
- vacuolaradj«
- diureticsnoun«
- tensiometernoun«
- medullaryadj«
- diureticnoun«
- extravascularadj«
- nephrosisnoun«
- intracellularadj«
- lysisnoun«
- osmosisnoun«
- catharticsnoun«
- interstitialadj«
- laxativenoun adj«
- mannitolnoun«
- virialadj«
- extracellularadj«
- dehydrationnoun«
- semipermeableadj«
- dewateringverb«
- rbcnoun«
- effectorsnoun«
- implantedverb adj«
- stabilisernoun«
- plasmanoun«
- compressibilitynoun«
- hypertonicadj«
- equilibrationnoun«
- insipidusnoun«
- stabilizernoun«
- luminalnoun«
- diarrheanoun«
- glycosurianoun«
- conformersnoun«
- gradientnoun«
- hoff«
- gradientsnoun«
- exertingverb«
- solutesnoun«
- incubatedverb«
- dehydratingverb«
- stoolnoun verb«
- blisteringnoun verb adj«
- capillarynoun adj«
- catharticnoun adj«
- exertsverb«
- stabilizersnoun«
- regulatesverb«
- hemolysisnoun«
- decreasedverb adj«
- homeostasisnoun«
- cellularadj«
- haemolysisnoun«
- exertverb«
- diarrhoeanoun«
- equalizeverb«
- pressurenoun verb«
- reversiblenoun adj«
- pressuresnoun verb«
- cytoplasmicadj«
- swellingnoun verb«
- maintainverb«
- imbalancenoun«
- promotesverb«
- reabsorptionnoun«
- maintainingverb«
- potentialsnoun«
- inducesverb«
- suctionnoun verb«
- sapnoun verb«
- pumpsnoun verb«
- increasedverb adj«
- adjustmentnoun«
- internaladj«
- shocknoun verb«
- resultantnoun adj«
- bbbnoun«
- effectiveadj«
- permeabilitynoun«
- withstandverb«
- excitantsnoun«
- subcutaneousadj«
- stressnoun verb«
- electronoun«
- disequilibriumnoun«
- regulatingnoun verb«
- primingnoun verb«
- via«
- equilibrianoun«
- causingnoun verb«
- shrinkagenoun«
- maintainsverb«
- equilibriumnoun«
- proteinnoun«
- coefficientnoun«
- regulateverb«
- imbalancesnoun«
- inducedverb adj«
- pumpnoun verb«
- hyperglycemianoun«
- dilatornoun«
- induceverb«
- imbibitionnoun«
- highnoun adj adv«
- repulsionnoun«
- higheradj«
- solutenoun«
- ultrafiltrationnoun«
- maximaladj«
- potentialnoun adj«
- regulationnoun adj«
- externalnoun adj«
- coefficientsnoun«
- abnormaladj«
- concentrationnoun«
- appreciableadj«
- purgativesnoun«
- administerverb«
- agentsnoun«
- repulsiveadj«
- thirstnoun verb«
- reestablishverb«
- turgornoun«
- serumnoun«
- disruptionnoun«
- transientnoun adj«
- tonicitynoun«
- lowernoun verb adj«
- stimulinoun«
- lownoun verb adj adv«
- growthsnoun«
- leafnoun verb«
- uptakenoun«
- measuringnoun verb«
- influxnoun«
- opposingverb adj«
- distillationnoun«
- reducedverb adj«
- effectornoun«
- counteractverb«
- mininoun adj«
- minimizeverb«
- adaptationnoun«
- inducingnoun verb«
- stimulationnoun«
- intravenousadj«
- thresholdsnoun«
- increasingverb adj«
- balancenoun verb«
- ionicnoun adj«
- dragnoun verb«
- normalnoun adj«
- stressesnoun verb«
- totalnoun verb adj«
- flownoun verb«
- anomalousadj«
- barriernoun«
- mediateverb adj«
- inflownoun«
- elementaryadj«
- purgativenoun adj«
- loweredverb adj«
- bufferingverb«
- isothermaladj«
- concentrationsnoun«
- mildadj«
- dilutionnoun«
- causesnoun verb«
- pumpingverb«
- oralnoun adj«
- shocksnoun verb«
- resultingverb«
- loadnoun verb«
- measurableadj«
- agentnoun«
- hydrostaticadj«
- polyurianoun«
- consequentadj«
- gapnoun verb«
- minimizesverb«
- thresholdnoun«
- alteredverb adj«
- rupturenoun verb«
- promotingverb«
- regulatorsnoun«
- decreasingverb adj«
- tolerancenoun«
- fluidnoun adj«
- stabilizationnoun«
- excessiveadj«
- membranesnoun«
- atmospheresnoun«
- perturbationsnoun«
- undergoverb«
- desiccationnoun«
- negligibleadj«
- propertiesnoun«
- reversenoun verb adj«
- forcesnoun verb«
- elevatednoun verb adj«
- membranenoun«
- adjustmentsnoun«
- modulusnoun«
- unfavorableadj«
- presnoun«
- potentadj«
- effectsnoun verb«
- bloodnoun verb«
- shiftsnoun verb«
- permeableadj«
- responsivenessnoun«
- tissuenoun verb«
- dryingverb«
- termedverb«
- regulatornoun«
- stimulusnoun«
- preventverb«
- effectnoun verb«
- netnoun verb adj«
- catharsisnoun«
- organicnoun adj«
- fluxnoun verb«
- cellnoun«
- phenomenanoun«
- greateradj«
- transientsnoun«
- causenoun verb«
- attractionnoun«
- obligatoryadj«
- pullnoun verb«
- enhancedverb adj«
- instabilitynoun«
- restoreverb«
- edemanoun«
- undergoingverb«
- mobilitynoun«
- createsverb«
- consolidationnoun«
- varyingverb adj«
- sensitivitynoun«
- preventsverb«
- interchangesnoun verb«
- during«
- drivingnoun verb adj«
- severeadj«
- overloadnoun verb«
- urinaryadj«
- activitynoun«
- rapidnoun adj«
- loadsnoun verb«
- passivenoun adj«
- interchangenoun verb«
- samenoun adj«
- tensionnoun«
- excessnoun adj«
- inhibitionnoun«
- salinenoun adj«
- effluxnoun«
- measuredverb adj«
- activationnoun«
- concomitantnoun adj«
- diffusionnoun«
- idealnoun adj«
- buffernoun verb adj«
- lowersnoun verb«
- stabilitynoun«
- negativenoun verb adj«
- velocitynoun«
- avoidverb«
- filtrationnoun«
- glucosenoun«
- couplingnoun verb«
- approximateverb adj«
- forcenoun verb«
- constantnoun adj«
- unbalancenoun verb«
- calculatedverb adj«
- strengthnoun«
- alteringnoun verb«
- challengenoun verb«
- adverseadj«
- solutionsnoun«
- osmoticadj«
- sucrosenoun«
- equalnoun verb adj«
- absorptionnoun«
- steepnoun verb adj«
- fluxesnoun verb«
- inhibitorsnoun«
- reflectionnoun«
- undergoesverb«
- damagenoun verb«
- achieveverb«
- perturbationnoun«
- observedverb adj«
- resistancenoun«
- lesseradj«
- infusionnoun«
- properadj«
- changesnoun verb«
- maximumnoun adj«
- retentionnoun«
- significantadj«
- purelyadv«
- abruptadj«
- mechanismnoun«
- molarnoun adj«
- determiningverb adj«
- loadingnoun verb«
- urinenoun«
- componentnoun«
- optimumnoun adj«
- environmentsnoun«
- calledverb«
- adaptationsnoun«
- reducesverb«
- behaviournoun«
- promoteverb«
- challengesnoun verb«
- systemicadj«
- solutionnoun«
- includeverb«
- waternoun verb«
- overallnoun adj«
- balancesnoun verb«
- differentialnoun adj«
- accompanyingverb adj«
- treatmentsnoun«
- tolerateverb«
- buffersnoun verb«
- producesnoun verb«
- tabletnoun«
- increasesnoun verb«
- shiftnoun verb«
- conditionsnoun verb«
- ensuingverb adj«
- openingnoun verb adj«
- lethaladj«
- equivalentsnoun«
- reduceverb«
- movementnoun«
- controllingverb adj«
- compressionnoun«
- suddenadj«
- measurementsnoun«
- diminishedverb adj«
- distensionnoun«
- favorableadj«
- exchangesnoun verb«
- alternativenoun adj«
- substancesnoun«
- usingnoun verb«
- withdrawalnoun«
- underadj adv«
- environmentnoun«
- producenoun verb«
- hydrationnoun«
- partialnoun adj«
- processesnoun verb«
- strongadj«
- disturbancesnoun«
- prolongedverb adj«
- reactivitynoun«
- briskverb adj«
- contributionnoun«
- inwardadj adv«
- polymernoun«
- therapynoun«
- influencingverb«
- flowsnoun verb«
- suitableadj«
- shrinkingnoun verb«
- theoreticaladj«
- responsenoun«
- acutenoun adj«
- contractionnoun«
- preventingverb«
- techniquenoun«
- subsequentadj«
- phenomenonnoun«
- differentadj«
- constituentsnoun«
- relativenoun adj«
- clearancenoun«
- responsesnoun«
- minimaladj«
- integritynoun«
- genericnoun adj«
- compartmentnoun«
- vascularadj«
- relationsnoun«
- calculateverb«
- stabilizingverb adj«
- measurenoun verb«
- avoidancenoun«
- tubularadj«
- inactivationnoun«
- atmnoun«
- valuenoun verb«
- ambientadj«
- behaviornoun«
- affectsnoun verb«
- mediumnoun adj«
- generatesverb«
- actionnoun verb«
- generateverb«
- substratesnoun«
- stimulatedverb adj«
- relationshipsnoun«
- compatibleadj«
- transportnoun verb«
- localnoun adj«
- regulatoryadj«
- profoundadj«
- processnoun verb«
- correspondingverb adj«
- differingverb«
- manipulationsnoun«
- resistverb«
- unfavourableadj«
- volumenoun«
- apparentadj«
- deliverynoun«
- considerableadj«
- particlesnoun«
- e.g.adv«
- treatmentnoun«
- substantialadj«
- burstingverb«
- increasenoun verb«
- equivalencenoun«
- optimaladj«
- susceptibilitynoun«
- standingnoun verb adj«
- outflownoun«
- exhibitnoun verb«
- hypothesisnoun«
- changingverb adj«
- efficiencynoun«
- limitingnoun verb adj«
- influencesnoun verb«
- createverb«
- releasenoun verb«
- miniaturenoun adj«
- inductionnoun«
- extremenoun adj«
- equivalentnoun adj«
- initialnoun verb adj«
- expansionnoun«
- against«
- disturbancenoun«
- electrolytenoun«
- betweenadv«
- inversenoun adj«
- mechanismsnoun«
- alterationsnoun«
- actualadj«
- transfernoun verb«
- additionaladj«
- sensornoun«
- physiologicaladj«
- controlnoun verb«
- largenoun adj adv«
- strengthsnoun«
- identicaladj«
- protectionnoun«
- simplenoun adj«
- valuesnoun verb«
- adjustverb«
- injurynoun«
- includingverb«
- theorynoun«
- highlyadv«
- multipliernoun«
- alterverb«
- differencenoun«
- reducingnoun verb«
- experimentsnoun verb«
- ureanoun«
- worknoun verb«
- damagingverb adj«
- componentsnoun«
- utilizingverb«
receptors, appropriate, communication, environmental, shocking, lowest, milieu, producing, exchange, affect, energy, concurrent, relationship, following, flooding, major, fluids, whose, versus, systems, powerful, characteristics, affecting, intake, plant, problems, massive, overcome, drug, establish, removal, predicted, factors, highest, neutrality, directed, differences, renal, content, through, concentrating, experimental, fluctuations, calculating, system, unequal, loss, term, extraction, slight, currents, insult, mediated, media, controls, transference, continuous, ocular, longitudinal, interactions, moderate, drive, soil, engine, sustained, investigations, impaired, barriers, conventional, signals, combined, effectiveness, provide, signal, lowering, contributions, involving, quantities, establishing, substance, both, bulk, chronic, method, dependent, methods, synthetic, migration, correct, molecular, various, entry, change, 239, composition, average, penetration, plus, pre, small, manipulation, whereas, support, imposed, function, 145, constancy, smaller, apparatus, involve, sufficient, problem, larger, deficit, facilitate, variations, jr., considerations, direct, experiment, attendant, solvent, gradual, abnormalities, ineffective, distention, positive, devices, outward, influence, graded, techniques, respective, mixing, minus, compounds, avoiding, secretion, similar, status, creating, active, transitory, tensions, cold, model, provides, particle, determines, role, exceeds, condition, generating, consequences, adequate, device, decrease, requirements, raises, containing, compensation, 165, equality, less, equation, reversed, drugs, determine, define, core, employing, losses, stable, density, natural, alteration, decreases, constituent, contrast, gentle, movements, relation, zero, counter, raised, parameters, until, type, practical, factor, weak, transfers, applied, brain, space, 160, tendency, variation, expressing, interaction, known, principles, trauma, performing, associated, reactions, upon, functions, tremendous, circulation, power, applying, salt, controlled, qualities, intense, consequence, involves, second, 175, reasons, administered, data, marked, levels, simultaneous, activities, 108, state, 109, property, attain, independence, along, capacity, prevailing, volumes, specific, origin, allowing, reduction, comparable, gain, hence, accumulation, illustrating, requirement, primary, strain, typical, layer, perform, destruction, i.e., growth, rational, distribution, burden, main, significance, definite, networks, permits, nature, equals, step, 112, steady, stronger, determinations, raising, fashion, although, explanation, slow, ratio, minimum, cells, full, generated, root, reach, studies, allow, liquid, 106, situation, 140, material, pronounced, reaction, final, current, usual, separation, stimulate, uniform, modified, passage, certain, head, demonstrate, technology, used, 113, regulations, true, events, enormous, stream, artificial, level, mean, pure, standpoint, see, measurement, given, purposes, contact, persistent, uses, theories, relating, actions, bars, unit, describing, basis, studying, machines, contents, providing, character, possess, means, surrounding, laws, possible, principle, require, determination, approach, efficient, rise, absolute, demands, principal, needs, inadequate, knowledge, secondary, greatest, part, includes, test, without, materials, develop, terms, rising, quality, mysterious, transmission, range, allows, experience, preserve, height, receiving, ones, eliminate, back, regarding, point, extra, equations, immediate, table, complete, free, improved, powers, daily, law, important, states, variable, one, 300, rate, concerning, way, little, fig, mainly, machine, necessary, death, press, showing, forms, forced, sense, harmful, results, selective, figure, raise, surface, demonstrating, result, further, streams, 101, classical, follows, suffer, required, frequency, explain, expected, whether, thus, use, such, general, varied, weight, changed, perfect, 120, extensive, desired, 102, limit, delicate, progressive, strange, 104, 110, exceed, dimensional, studied, represents, oppose, inner, disturbed, show, critical, 100, original, related, regards, temporary, permit, 155, serious, accurate, limited, giving, unusual, separate, possibly, 238, consider, developing, towards, 135, new, particular, comparing, better, more, chemical, ordinary, two, peculiar, developed, 105, standard, independent, several, 200, permanent, primarily, great, represent, having, continued, 114, basic, atmosphere, existing, governing, estimating, substitute, added, especially, opposite,
minor, indicate, another, determined, 115, considering, mere, common, reported, shows, requires, down, caused, real, superior, before, central, available, special, good, much, measures, established, outside, enough, connecting, showed, unknown, toward, three, temperature, follow, express, probably, characteristic, exact, useful, gives, distinct, obvious, therefore, fixed, single, right, out, give, call, study, doing, etc., though, complex, make, over, simply, many, individual, body, making, day, besides, largely, each, 107, feeble, gave, partly, even, whole, case, being, time, cases, made, those, close, iii,
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