leftist: Associated Words
Words described by leftist & Words describing leftist

Part of speech


Word Position

Usage Frequency

Number of Syllables

  • militantlyadv«
  • deviationismnoun«
  • noncommunistnoun«
  • insurgenciesnoun«
  • outspokenlyadv«
  • leaningsnoun verb«
  • stridentlyadv«
  • adventuristsnoun«
  • salvadorannoun adj«
  • adventurismnoun«
  • unrepentantadj«
  • adventuristnoun«
  • militantnoun adj«
  • sandinistanoun«
  • doctrinairenoun adj«
  • guerrillasnoun«
  • avowedlyadv«
  • guerillasnoun«
  • fashionablyadv«
  • ideologuesnoun«
  • hardlineadj«
  • deviationistnoun«
  • radicalnoun adj«
  • ideologuenoun«
  • lebanesenoun adj«
  • subversivesnoun«
  • overtlyadv«
  • insurgencynoun«
  • pronouncedlyadv«
  • extremismnoun«
  • emergentadj«
  • militantsnoun«
  • espousingverb«
  • intellectualsnoun«
  • staunchlyadv«
  • sympathizersnoun«
  • outspokenadj«
  • agitpropnoun«
  • vaguelyadv«
  • radicalismnoun«
  • mildlyadv«
  • extremistsnoun«
  • dissidentnoun adj«
  • sympathizernoun«
  • erstwhileadj adv«
  • guerrillanoun«
  • extremistnoun adj«
  • sympathiesnoun«
  • extremenoun adj«
  • screenwritersnoun«
  • decidedlyadv«
  • intelligentsianoun«
  • guatemalannoun adj«
  • guerillanoun«
  • ideologicallyadv«
  • ideologiesnoun«
  • kurdishnoun adj«
  • infantilismnoun«
  • longtimeadj«
  • critiquesnoun verb«
  • trendyadj«
  • filmmakersnoun«
  • moderatelyadv«
  • activistsnoun«
  • espousedverb«
  • militiasnoun«
  • avowedverb adj«
  • dissidentsnoun«
  • stridentadj«
  • agitatorsnoun«
  • clandestineadj«
  • sympathisersnoun«
  • politicallyadv«
  • insurgentsnoun«
  • counteringverb«
  • revolutionariesnoun«
  • rabidadj«
  • colonizernoun«
  • chileannoun adj«
  • splinternoun verb«
  • moderatenoun verb adj«
  • factionsnoun«
  • colombiannoun adj«
  • impeccableadj«
  • activismnoun«
  • onetimeadj«
  • sectarianismnoun«
  • radicallyadv«
  • academicsnoun«
  • ultraadj«
  • firebrandnoun«
  • secularnoun adj«
  • radicalsnoun«
  • staunchverb adj«
  • factionnoun«
  • prominentadj«
  • terroristsnoun«
  • prewaradj«
  • activistnoun adj«
  • predominantlyadv«
  • orthodoxiesnoun«
  • veterannoun adj«
  • demonstratorsnoun«
  • sectariannoun adj«
  • coalitionnoun«
  • suppressingverb«
  • slogansnoun«
  • assortedverb adj«
  • ideologynoun«
  • dangerouslyadv«
  • thugsnoun«
  • infiltrateverb«
  • slantnoun verb«
  • revolutionarynoun adj«
  • theoreticiansnoun«
  • traditionaladj«
  • inclinationsnoun«
  • infantileadj«
  • pietiesnoun«
  • combatingverb«
  • populismnoun«
  • venezuelannoun adj«
  • tendenciesnoun«
  • mavericknoun adj«
  • uprisingsnoun verb«
  • outlawedverb adj«
  • militancynoun«
  • charismaticadj«
  • subversionnoun«
  • populistnoun«
  • credentialsnoun«
  • influentialadj«
  • rebelsnoun verb«
  • stalinistnoun adj«
  • regimesnoun«
  • abortiveadj«
  • insurgentnoun adj«
  • espouseverb«
  • partiesnoun verb«
  • disillusionedverb adj«
  • terroristnoun«
  • iraniannoun adj«
  • opportunistsnoun«
  • peruviannoun adj«
  • affiliationsnoun«
  • bannedverb adj«
  • takeovernoun«
  • broadlyadv«
  • blocnoun«
  • suppressverb«
  • criticsnoun«
  • traditionallyadv«
  • sectariansnoun«
  • overwhelminglyadv«
  • proclivitiesnoun«
  • nominallyadv«
  • counterculturenoun«
  • allegedlyadv«
  • filmmakernoun«
  • supposedlyadv«
  • ideologistsnoun«
  • turkishnoun adj«
  • organizersnoun«
  • subversivenoun adj«
  • thinkersnoun«
  • ardentadj«
  • utopianismnoun«
  • defunctadj«
  • openlyadv«
  • politiciansnoun«
  • distinctlyadv«
  • agitatornoun«
  • committedverb adj«
  • persuasionsnoun«
  • protestersnoun«
  • argentinenoun adj«
  • strongadj«
  • screenwriternoun«
  • palestiniannoun adj«
  • critiquenoun verb«
  • formernoun adj«
  • politicsnoun«
  • israelinoun adj«
  • totalitarianismnoun«
  • crushnoun verb«
  • coupnoun«
  • gardenoun«
  • baathnoun«
  • allegedverb adj«
  • circlesnoun verb«
  • orthodoxadj«
  • terrorismnoun«
  • dogmaticadj«
  • dictatorshipsnoun«
  • leadingnoun verb adj«
  • rhetoricnoun«
  • overthrownoun verb«
  • opportunismnoun«
  • undergroundnoun adj adv«
  • movimiento«
  • electedverb adj«
  • movementsnoun«
  • overtadj«
  • journalistnoun«
  • lifelongadj«
  • politicosnoun«
  • contemporarynoun adj«
  • excessesnoun«
  • thwartnoun verb«
  • coalitionsnoun«
  • independentnoun adj«
  • radicalizationnoun«
  • exiledverb«
  • internationalismnoun«
  • eradicateverb«
  • organizationsnoun«
  • communistnoun adj«
  • nationalistsnoun«
  • explicitlyadv«
  • orientationnoun«
  • genuinelyadv«
  • oppositionnoun«
  • variousadj«
  • stancenoun«
  • solidlyadv«
  • agendanoun«
  • nascentadj«
  • militiamennoun«
  • discreditnoun verb«
  • propagandanoun«
  • increasinglyadv«
  • nicaraguannoun adj«
  • aidingverb«
  • opponentsnoun«
  • suspectedverb adj«
  • politiciannoun«
  • mainstreamnoun«
  • antiwarnoun«
  • 1930snoun«
  • strongholdsnoun«
  • fashionableadj«
  • uprisingnoun verb«
  • repressverb«
  • literatinoun«
  • dangerousadj«
  • writersnoun«
  • postwaradj«
  • gunmennoun«
  • authoritariannoun adj«
  • governmentsnoun«
  • marxistnoun adj«
  • groupsnoun verb«
  • ostensiblyadv«
  • embracedverb«
  • reformismnoun«
  • mostlyadv«
  • kibbutzimnoun«
  • democraticadj«
  • cadresnoun«
  • aggressivelyadv«
  • agendasnoun«
  • oustedverb«
  • feministsnoun«
  • markedlyadv«
  • supportersnoun«
  • progressivenoun adj«
  • professorsnoun«
  • fanaticaladj«
  • tingenoun verb«
  • viableadj«
  • persuasionnoun«
  • demagoguenoun«
  • professedverb adj«
  • organisationsnoun«
  • rivalnoun verb«
  • parliamentariansnoun«
  • stronglyadv«
  • zionistnoun adj«
  • uncompromisingadj«
  • inherentlyadv«
  • putschnoun«
  • supportingnoun verb adj«
  • islamicadj«
  • journalistsnoun«
  • proclaimedverb adj«
  • tiltnoun verb«
  • against«
  • paramilitarynoun adj«
  • leadersnoun«
  • armedverb adj«
  • ideologicaladj«
  • braziliannoun adj«
  • socialistsnoun«
  • pronouncedverb adj«
  • periodicalsnoun«
  • incipientadj«
  • offshootnoun«
  • defeatingverb«
  • revolutionsnoun«
  • excessivelyadv«
  • violentadj«
  • regimenoun«
  • moroccannoun adj«
  • criticnoun«
  • sixtiesnoun«
  • allendenoun«
  • jewishadj«
  • commentatorsnoun«
  • europeannoun adj«
  • journalsnoun«
  • 1960snoun«
  • agitationnoun«
  • backedverb adj«
  • idealisticadj«
  • playwrightsnoun«
  • smalleradj«
  • dogmatismnoun«
  • liberalnoun adj«
  • utopiasnoun«
  • chinesenoun adj«
  • jargonnoun«
  • americannoun adj«
  • blockheadsnoun«
  • notoriousadj«
  • strongholdnoun«
  • italiannoun adj«
  • liberalsnoun«
  • conventionaladj«
  • propagandistsnoun«
  • irresponsibleadj«
  • indoctrinationnoun«
  • emergingverb adj«
  • groupingsnoun verb«
  • vocalnoun adj«
  • playwrightnoun«
  • combatnoun verb«
  • takeoversnoun«
  • rebellionsnoun«
  • supportedverb adj«
  • oppositionaladj«
  • renownedadj«
  • growingnoun verb adj«
  • leaningnoun verb adj«
  • genuineadj«
  • deputiesnoun«
  • frenchnoun verb adj«
  • historiansnoun«
  • targetedverb«
  • challengersnoun«
  • dominatedverb adj«
  • orientationsnoun«
  • naiveadj«
  • nationalistnoun adj«
  • eliminateverb«
  • forcesnoun verb«
  • suppressedverb adj«
  • politicaladj«
  • manyadj«
  • theoreticiannoun«
  • classicnoun adj«
  • unionsnoun«
  • youngnoun adj«
  • intellectualnoun adj«
  • advocatedverb«
  • detractorsnoun«
  • fieryadj«
  • upsurgenoun«
  • powerfuladj adv«
  • sensibilitiesnoun«
  • respectedverb adj«
  • theoristsnoun«
  • moslemnoun adj«
  • viewsnoun verb«
  • youthfuladj«
  • partisansnoun«
  • dominantnoun adj«
  • biasnoun verb adj«
  • majornoun verb adj«
  • progressivesnoun«
  • fellownoun«
  • polemicsnoun«
  • famousadj«
  • candidatesnoun«
  • koreannoun adj«
  • subculturenoun«
  • counternoun verb adj adv«
  • mayorsnoun«
  • prevailingverb adj«
  • elementsnoun«
  • largestadj«
  • avantnoun«
  • smallnoun adj adv«
  • deviationnoun«
  • existingverb adj«
  • alliancenoun«
  • newadj adv«
  • discoursesnoun verb«
  • oldnoun adj«
  • deviationsnoun«
  • germannoun adj«
  • idealsnoun«
  • rulingnoun verb adj«
  • votersnoun«
  • opposingverb adj«
  • ralliesnoun verb«
  • organizedverb adj«
  • newspapersnoun«
  • mindedverb adj«
  • zionistsnoun«
  • knownverb adj«
  • orthodoxynoun«
  • unifiedverb adj«
  • posturingnoun verb«
  • perceivedverb adj«
  • unionistsnoun«
  • undermineverb«
  • alliesnoun verb«
  • mexicannoun adj«
  • convictionsnoun«
  • joinedverb adj«
  • scholarsnoun«
  • morenoun adj adv«
  • insurrectionsnoun«
  • mainlyadv«
  • candidatenoun«
  • severaladj«
  • weekliesnoun«
  • sympatheticadj«
  • rebelnoun verb«
  • idealistsnoun«
  • toward«
  • newspapernoun«
  • appeaseverb«
  • publicationsnoun«
  • minornoun adj«
  • infiltrationnoun«
  • promotingverb«
  • artistsnoun«
  • repressedverb adj«
  • counterpartsnoun«
  • japanesenoun adj«
  • congressmennoun«
  • eliminatingverb«
  • allegiancesnoun«
  • extremelyadv«
  • oppositionsnoun«
  • diverseadj«
  • factionalismnoun«
  • indigenousadj«
  • dictatorshipnoun«
  • activenoun adj«
  • maoistnoun adj«
  • totalitariannoun adj«
  • dogmanoun«
  • bothadj«
  • clichesnoun«
  • betweenadv«
  • politicizationnoun«
  • consistentlyadv«
  • illegaladj«
  • exilesnoun verb«
  • broaderadj«
  • periodicalnoun adj«
  • fashionedverb adj«
  • intellectualismnoun«
  • numerousadj«
  • tabloidnoun«
  • competingverb«
  • movementnoun«
  • generallyadv«
  • criticizedverb«
  • insurrectionnoun«
  • attackingverb adj«
  • fringenoun verb«
  • cubannoun adj«
  • philosophiesnoun«
  • sentimentaladj«
  • administrationsnoun«
  • egyptiannoun adj«
  • sentimentsnoun«
  • somewhatadv«
  • discoursenoun verb«
  • tinyadj«
  • demonstrationsnoun«
  • blamedverb adj«
  • bookstorenoun«
  • iraqinoun adj«
  • dictatorsnoun«
  • weakenverb«
  • coupsnoun«
  • indonesiannoun adj«
  • causesnoun verb«
  • westernnoun adj«
  • stancesnoun«
  • favoringverb«
  • leadernoun«
  • certainadj«
  • grassrootsadj«
  • localnoun adj«
magazine, muslim, perspective, defeat, thinker, dedicated, plo, vague, revisionism, arab, bourgeois, literary, frankly, yiddish, another, rivals, fighting, syrian, worldview, main, hegelian, styled, socialist, including, opportunist, seemingly, viewpoint, coherent, party, advocating, overtones, called, cliques, foremost, inclination, criticism, white, writer, strongest, slogan, controversial, ideas, earlier, milieu, broad, policies, closet, clique, whose, sociologist, hungarian, largely, viewpoints, clearly, kibbutz, encouraged, columnist, pragmatic, collectivism, oppose, israelis, exclusively, wing, typical, economists, curb, elites, greek, dissent, consciously, phraseology, formerly, mistakes, favored, reformist, conspiracy, inspired, plea, basically, demagogues, spanish, magazines, widespread, economist, attacked, reformers, kong, comrades, passionate, authoritarianism, urban, electoral, promote, nationalism, support, films, few, weekly, polish, student, feared, trend, international, commentator, towards, republicans, defeated, sentiment, 1970s, idealism, two, classical, revolts, core, mps, modern, rabble, rising, theories, significant, educators, thirties, duma, domestic, positions, older, ethnography, whereas, analysts, established, leadership, even, students, elite, backgrounds, labeled, kuomintang, druze, fight, tendency, oriented, antisemitism, male, anti, unsuccessful, resurgence, definite, zealots, standard, poets, embrace, revolution, primarily, modernism, considered, theorizing, british, historian, slightly, colleagues, camp, joining, bookstores, canadian, mobilization, notable, bent, previous, connotations, encouraging, constituencies, czech, criticisms, combined, influences, renewed, polemic, remaining, historiography, black, revolt, academic, backlash, essentially, cardenas, legitimate, fronts, included, currents, finnish, voting, sophisticated, organizer, hostile, sects, based, advisors, despite, sociologists, critical, reviewers, catholic, trends, three, sectors, stronger, cultural, aggressive, conspiracies, particularly, protests, prevent, utopia, typically, labor, within, government, specifically, paranoia, attempted, cinema, obscure, emigres, alternative, tradition, important, threat, purely, unity, supposed, feminist, combine, errors, supports, group, noted, victory, reinforce, riots, troublesome, afghan, aided, electorate, notably, organization, distinct, dictator, campus, utopian, definitely, majorities, preventing, although, novelist, recent, youth, usual, thought, explicit, junta, unite, alliances, those, literature, successful, prisoners, current, distinctive, humanism, under, younger, associations, class, documentary, united, film, russian, joao, serious, dissenters, marginal, minority, adopt, adversaries, far, theater, exclude, congressman, indian, media, opposed, constituency, especially, surge, educated, spokesmen, relatively, thinking, eminent, representing, marxists, attracted, promoted, civilians, such, struggles, spreading, liberalism, familiar, soviet, activities, theorist, held, perspectives, join, commitments, u.s., beliefs, destroy, rebellion, national, press, amongst, erroneous, attacks, romantic, mobs, clear, influence, dozen, early, doctrines, larger, vanguard, resist, democrats, real, lawyer, civilian, platform, authentic, counterattack, continuing, vote, engaged, anarchist, different, hegemony, very, journal, correct, lawyers, holding, traditions, persistent, organizing, first, musicians, parliamentary, cadre, being, presidents, truly, grouping, whether, formations, convinced, necessarily, fanatics, confirmed, allied, protest, principal, victories, expressing, initiatives, legal, themes, potential, threats, failed, admirers, internal, cio, arrested, partisan, weak, youths, facing, upheavals, moscow, militia, attack, bureaucrats, key, scholar, four, friends, subsequent, violence, less, jews, involving, outlook, led, gatherings, presumably, visible, votes, occasional, supporter, increasing, fascism, declared, republican, condemned, workers, strengthen, cant, style, poet, entire, versus, icon, attract, proponents, having, military, obviously, dogmas, seven, authors, conscious, attitudes, accused, greens, consistent, disillusionment, fought, papers, lived, inroads, australian, advocates, sharply, union, century, origins, general, reformer, one, affiliation, apparently, front, dutch, five, appropriation, remove, mythology, mir, similar, president, contain, position, usually, connections, shared, counterpart, era, communists, original, aesthetics, massive, version, outstanding, posture, true, liberation, include, campaigns, reflected, theatre, influenced, salvador, adopted, ascendancy, female, unlike, organisation, african, feminism, rejected, unionism, past, resistance, six, accusations, identified, line, regional,
suspects, apparent, presidential, over, mentality, allowed, publication, intense, aspirations, same, writings, possible, peasant, isolated, advisers, opponent, standing, opinions, particular, social, dynamic, foreign, democrat, divided, followers, vigorous, angry, ones, represented, notions, later, parisian, single, mayor, much, dramatists, mild, deputy, effective, visions, hold, brilliant, independents, distinguished, majority, official, interpretation, ambitious, lobby, hundred, legislators, separate, tactic, described, members, turned, challenge, thousand, philosopher, eight, umbrella, formed, camps, expressed, officers, born, alternatives, future, christian, catholics, encourage, faculty, great, daily, favorite, good, proletarian, fairly, muslims, though, solidarity, through, novelists, reading, moslems, terminology, remained, delegates, read, ties, out, culture, english, pronouncements, favor, using, agrarian, meaning, versions, obvious, biases, solid, tactics, common, interpretations, allow, scholarship, york, novels, smith, prime, nine, manifesto, defined, activity, initial, contemporaries, spread, loyalties, term, trade, large, competitors, time, whole, enemies, selling, phrases, sufficiently, specific, pretensions, secret, audiences, down, challenges, substantial, mass, adherents, otherwise, coloration, outside, campaign, behind, terror, further, demonstration, showed, plot, gave, voices, lost, debates, developed, fiction, developing, teachers, considerable, element, regarding, tide, war, background, together, sensibility, i.e., rich, ranks, little, connotation, increased, vocabulary, keep, socialism, last, advocacy, themselves, hard, fanaticism, along, extremes, quite, third, speakers, bring, journalism, concerning, variant, marked, philosophy, mere, personalities, sometimes, opinion, brought, analyses, world, view, produced, commitment, making, women, determined, policy, saw, foes, became, provided, heavy, second, hollywood, become, peers, really, dominican, control, find, menace, represent, roots, always, patriotic, upon, wide, made, latin, scale, dominance, simply, cause, average, label, see, conceptions, basic, unrest, interesting, labour, writing, vision, around, catholicism, top, publisher, once, total, reputation, still, already, standpoint, continued, associates, follow, drift, accept, used, art, use, strategy, present, portuguese, best, values, following, tree, without, reforms, selected, fantasy, make, demands, way, complexion, itself, impulses, long, folk, individual, back, ministers, day, end, theory, during, predecessors, each, observers, found, priests, reporter, pamphlets, hue, legacy, confederation, attitude, defenders, gains, sympathy, programme, monthly, arguments, actors, principles, projects, offensive, approach, cabinets, paper, direction, nicaragua, ukrainian, adventurers, remnants, bourgeoisie, struggle, pressures, federation, nonsense, priest, community, heritage, artistic, pro, gang, swing, concerns, artist, ferment, tracts, doctrine, contingent, attempts, economic, texts, refugees, commentary, banner, goals, actor, twist, penetration, exile, professor, distortion, image, proposals, program, clergymen, rally, minorities, heroes, neo, jew, analysis, appeals, representatives, christians, flavor, plays, theatrical, whites, painters, illusions, engagement, contributors, philosophers, cabinet, poetry, quarters, involvement, slate, meetings, reporters, editor, character, audience, brand, notion, judges, publishers, project, strategies, preferences, approaches, accounts, drama, publishing, municipal, collective, argument, member, identity, rejection, reform, trees, figures, partners, participation, worker, administration, force, strength, pressure, programs, assault, establishment, officials, readings, wings, point, books, error, tone, author, issues, discontent, composer, manifestations, spectrum, economics, clergy, juan, peasants, soldiers, phase, debate, hero, adventure, hostility, rule, thrust, plots, efforts, sources, editorial, wave, aims, assertions, sector, aesthetic, radio, reaction, revival, assumptions, editors, directors, scientists, sociology, segments, course, readers, generation, scene, army, block, republic, men, solutions, presence, disturbances, dreams, clubs, turn, objections, thesis, songs, red, mood, friend, thoughts, schools, response, distortions, variety, experiment, educational, shift, masses, consensus, segment, message, people, experiments, professionals, disposition, atmosphere, interests, university, minister, responses, generals, named, branch, side, theoretical, myth, crowd, director, backing, advances, hopes,
americans, circle, organs, hong, individuals, organ, ideal, formulas, language, premier, parents, civil, practices, news, inspiration, painter, framework, path, novel, belief, conviction, idea, countries, content, communities, families, working, representation, claims, speeches, junior, conception, works, attorney, enthusiasm, music, governor, emphasis, phenomenon, congress, actions, discussions, tyranny, successor, objectives, institute, sect, programmes, teacher, talk, institution, school, articles, triumph, sections, college, stand, inclined, peace, statements, japan, measures, concept,

Collocation words for "leftist" are words related to "leftist" by occurring either before or after "leftist" in common language usage across multiple media. The above word list can be filtered by parts of speech (i.e) nouns, verbs, describing adjectives and adverbs, or by their positive or negative vibes, frequency in usage, whether they are prefix words or suffix words for "leftist" or by the count of syllables each word has.