passion : Idioms & Phrases

banana passion fruit

  • noun cultivated for fruit
    Passiflora mollissima.

Cardiac passion

  • (Med.) cardialgia; heartburn. Archaic
Webster 1913

Coeliac flux, Coeliac passion

  • (Med.), a chronic flux or diarrhea of undigested food.
Webster 1913

Ileac passion

  • . (Med.) See Ileus.
Webster 1913

Iliac passion

  • . See Ileus.
Webster 1913

Ischiadic passion ∨ disease

  • (Med.), a rheumatic or neuralgic affection of some part about the hip joint; called also sciatica.
Webster 1913

Passion flower

  • (Bot.), any flower or plant of the genus Passiflora; so named from a fancied resemblance of parts of the flower to the instruments of our Savior's crucifixion.
Webster 1913

passion fruit

  • noun egg-shaped tropical fruit of certain passionflower vines; used for sherbets and confectionery and drinks

Passion music

  • (Mus.), originally, music set to the gospel narrative of the passion of our Lord; after the Reformation, a kind of oratorio, with narrative, chorals, airs, and choruses, having for its theme the passion and crucifixion of Christ.
Webster 1913

passion of christ

  • noun the suffering of Jesus at the Crucifixion

Passion play

  • noun a play representing the Passion of Christ
  • a mystery play, in which the scenes connected with the passion of our Savior are represented dramatically.
Webster 1913

Passion Sunday

  • noun second Sunday before Easter
  • (Eccl.), the fifth Sunday in Lent, or the second before Easter.
Webster 1913

Passion Week

  • noun the week before Easter
    Holy Week.
  • the last week but one in Lent, or the second week preceding Easter. "The name of Passion week is frequently, but improperly, applied to Holy Week."
Webster 1913