induction : Idioms & Phrases

coefficient of mutual induction

  • noun a measure of the induction between two circuits; the ratio of the electromotive force in a circuit to the corresponding change of current in a neighboring circuit; usually measured in henries
    mutual inductance.

coefficient of self induction

  • noun the ratio of the electromotive force produced in a circuit by self-induction to the rate of change of current producing it, expressed in henries

Electro-dynamic induction

  • the action by which a variable or interrupted current of electricity excites another current in a neighboring conductor forming a closed circuit.
Webster 1913

Electro-magnetic induction

  • the influence by which an electric current produces magnetic polarity in certain bodies near or around which it passes.
Webster 1913

Electro-static induction

  • the action by which a body possessing a charge of statical electricity develops a charge of statical electricity of the opposite character in a neighboring body.
Webster 1913

induction accelerator

  • noun accelerates a continuous beam of electrons to high speeds by means of the electric field produced by changing magnetic flux

Induction coil

  • noun a coil for producing a high voltage from a low-voltage source
  • an apparatus producing induced currents of great intensity. It consists of a coil or helix of stout insulated copper wire, surrounded by another coil of very fine insulated wire, in which a momentary current is induced, when a current (as from a voltaic battery), passing through the inner coil, is made, broken, or varied. The inner coil has within it a core of soft iron, and is connected at its terminals with a condenser; called also inductorium, and Ruhmkorff's coil.
Webster 1913

induction heating

  • noun the heating of a conducting material caused by an electric current induced in it

induction of labor

  • noun (obstetrics) inducing the childbirth process artificially by administering oxytocin or by puncturing the amniotic sac

Induction pipe, port, ∨ valve

  • a pipe, passageway, or valve, for leading or admitting a fluid to a receiver, as steam to an engine cylinder, or water to a pump.
Webster 1913

Logical induction

  • (Philos.), an act or method of reasoning from all the parts separately to the whole which they constitute, or into which they may be united collectively; the operation of discovering and proving general propositions; the scientific method.
Webster 1913

Magnetic amplitude, attraction, dip, induction

  • etc. See under Amplitude, Attraction, etc.
Webster 1913

Magnetic induction

  • noun the process that makes a substance magnetic (temporarily or permanently)
    magnetisation; magnetization.
  • noun the amount of magnetic flux in a unit area perpendicular to the direction of magnetic flow
    magnetic flux density; magnetic field strength; magnetic intensity.
  • the action by which magnetic polarity is developed in a body susceptible to magnetic effects when brought under the influence of a magnet.
Webster 1913

Magneto-electric induction

  • the influence by which a magnet excites electric currents in closed circuits.
Webster 1913

mutual induction

  • noun generation of electromotive forces in each other by two adjacent circuits

neon induction lamp

  • noun a lamp consisting of a small gas-discharge tube containing neon at low pressure; luminescence is produced by the action of currents at high frequencies that are wrapped a few turns around the tube
    neon lamp; neon tube.

Philosophical induction

  • the inference, or the act of inferring, that what has been observed or established in respect to a part, individual, or species, may, on the ground of analogy, be affirmed or received of the whole to which it belongs. This last is the inductive method of Bacon. It ascends from the parts to the whole, and forms, from the general analogy of nature, or special presumptions in the case, conclusions which have greater or less degrees of force, and which may be strengthened or weakened by subsequent experience and experiment. It relates to actual existences, as in physical science or the concerns of life. Logical induction is founded on the necessary laws of thought; philosophical induction, on the interpretation of the indications or analogy of nature.
Webster 1913


  • noun generation of an electromotive force (EMF) in a circuit by changing the current in that circuit; usually measured in henries

Successive induction

  • . (Math.) See Induction, 5.
Webster 1913

Unipolar induction

  • (Elec.), induction, as in a conducting circuit, by only one pole of a magnet.
Webster 1913