chaser : Idioms & Phrases

ambulance chaser

  • noun an unethical lawyer who incites accident victims to sue

Bow chaser

  • (Naut.), a gun in the bow for firing while chasing another vessel. -
Webster 1913

skirt chaser

  • noun a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women
    masher; skirt chaser; wolf.

Steeple chaser

  • one who rides in a steeple chase; also, a horse trained to run in a steeple chase.
Webster 1913

Stern chaser

  • noun a naval gun able to fire astern at a ship in chase
  • (Naut.), a cannon placed in a ship's stern, pointing backward, and intended to annoy a ship that is in pursuit.
Webster 1913

woman chaser

  • noun a man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women
    masher; skirt chaser; wolf.