panegyric Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a formal expression of praise
    pean; paean; eulogy; encomium.
  2. adjective satellite formally expressing praise
    encomiastic; panegyrical; eulogistic.


Pan`e*gyr"ic noun
L. panegyricus, Gr. panhgyrico`s: cf. F. panégyrique. See Panegyric, a.
  1. An oration or eulogy in praise of some person or achievement; a formal or elaborate encomium; a laudatory discourse; laudation. See Synonym of Eulogy.
Pan`e*gyr"ic, Pan`e*gyr"ic*al adjective (Also<
  • Panegyric
  • Panegyrical
L. panegyricus, Gr. panhgyrico`s, from an assembly of the people, a high festival; pa^, pa^n all + , an assembly.
  1. Containing praise or eulogy; encomiastic; laudatory. "Panegyric strains." Pope. -- Pan`e*gyr"ic*al*ly, adv.
    Some of his odes are panegyrical. Dryden.

Webster 1913