argent Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a metal tincture used in heraldry to give a silvery appearance
  2. adjective satellite of lustrous grey; covered with or tinged with the color of silver
    silverish; silvery; silver.
    • silvery hair


Ar"gent noun
F. argent, fr. L. argentum, silver; akin to Gr. silver, , , white, bright, Skr. rajata white, silver, raj to shine, Ir. arg white, milk, airgiod silver, money, and L. arguere to make clear. See Argue.
  1. Silver, or money. Archaic
  2. (Fig. & Poet.) Whiteness; anything that is white.
    The polished argent of her breast. Tennyson.
  3. (Her.) The white color in coats of arms, intended to represent silver, or, figuratively, purity, innocence, beauty, or gentleness; -- represented in engraving by a plain white surface. Weale.
Ar"gent adjective
  1. Made of silver; of a silvery color; white; shining.
    Yonder argent fields above. Pope.

Webster 1913