appetite Meaning, Definition & Usage

  1. noun a feeling of craving something
    appetence; appetency.
    • an appetite for life
    • the object of life is to satisfy as many appetencies as possible"- Granville Hicks


Ap"pe*tite noun
OE. appetit, F. appétit, fr. L. appetitus, fr. appetere to strive after, long for; ad + petere to seek. See Petition, and cf. Appetence.
  1. The desire for some personal gratification, either of the body or of the mind.
    The object of appetite it whatsoever sensible good may be wished for; the object of will is that good which reason does lead us to seek. Hooker.
  2. Desire for, or relish of, food or drink; hunger.
    Men must have appetite before they will eat. Buckle.
  3. Any strong desire; an eagerness or longing.
    It God had given to eagles an appetite to swim. Jer. Taylor.
    To gratify the vulgar appetite for the marvelous. Macaulay.
  4. Tendency; appetency. Obs.
    In all bodies there as an appetite of union. Bacon.
  5. The thing desired. Obs.
    Power being the natural appetite of princes. Swift.
    ✍ In old authors, appetite is followed by to or of, but regularly it should be followed by for before the object; as, an appetite for pleasure. Syn. -- Craving; longing; desire; appetency; passion.

Webster 1913