rotated: Associated Words
Words described by rotated & Words describing rotated
- orthogonallyadv«
- anticlockwiseadj adv«
- downwardlyadv«
- mediallyadv«
- counterclockwiseadj adv«
- externallyadv«
- mesiallyadv«
- internallyadv«
- clockwiseadj adv«
- neutrallyadv«
- upwardlyadv«
- nasallyadv«
- axiallyadv«
- superiorlyadv«
- laterallyadv«
- femursnoun«
- posteriorlyadv«
- inferiorlyadv«
- spectrallyadv«
- anteriorlyadv«
- turntablenoun«
- statesidenoun«
- polarizernoun«
- loadingsnoun verb«
- passivelyadv«
- manuallyadv«
- synchronouslyadv«
- gantrynoun«
- eof«
- maximallyadv«
- mechanicallyadv«
- labiallyadv«
- cyclicallyadv«
- outwardsadv«
- twistersnoun«
- garnetsnoun«
- outwardlyadv«
- inwardsadv«
- tiresnoun verb«
- innominatenoun«
- turretnoun«
- linguallyadv«
- obliquelyadv«
- cephaladnoun«
- incrementallyadv«
- sinusoidallyadv«
- sequentiallyadv«
- dorsallyadv«
- randomlyadv«
- caudallyadv«
- propellersnoun«
- interactivelyadv«
- premaxillanoun«
- incompletelyadv«
- ellipsenoun«
- chairmanshipnoun«
- ventrallyadv«
- 180adj«
- inwardlyadv«
- distallyadv«
- periodicallyadv«
- eccentricallyadv«
- hipsnoun«
- horizontallyadv«
- oppositelyadv«
- magneticallyadv«
- cubenoun verb«
- iliumnoun«
- gentlyadv«
- slowlyadv«
- lazilyadv«
- continuouslyadv«
- coordinatenoun verb adj«
- flapnoun verb«
- leftwardnoun«
- carouselnoun«
- routinelyadv«
- rearwardnoun adj adv«
- polarizationnoun«
- inwardadj adv«
- axesnoun verb«
- descriptornoun«
- optimallyadv«
- outwardadj adv«
- systematicallyadv«
- backwardsadv«
- abnormallyadv«
- rightwardnoun«
- polarisationnoun«
- slightlyadv«
- quadraturenoun«
- spatiallyadv«
- drumnoun verb«
- arbitrarilyadv«
- verticallyadv«
- propellernoun«
- downwardadj adv«
- circularlyadv«
- concentricallyadv«
- pelvisnoun«
- mandiblenoun«
- ellipsesnoun«
- torsonoun«
- factornoun verb«
- transducernoun«
- sidewaysadj adv«
- bladesnoun«
- forwardsnoun verb adv«
- regularlyadv«
- turretsnoun«
- vertebranoun«
- planetsnoun«
- suitablyadv«
- ellipsoidnoun adj«
- flapsnoun verb«
- scapulanoun«
- cylindernoun«
- upwardadj adv«
- sortedverb adj«
- ninetynoun adj«
- mentallyadv«
- wheelnoun verb«
- eyeballsnoun verb«
- coordinatesnoun verb«
- surgicallyadv«
- pediclenoun«
- obliquenoun adj«
- downwardsadv«
- rigidlyadv«
- tibianoun«
- cecumnoun«
- latticesnoun«
- stepwiseadj adv«
- electricallyadv«
- annuallyadv«
- polarizedverb«
- shaftnoun verb«
- seasonallyadv«
- automaticallyadv«
- versionsnoun«
- electronicallyadv«
- aroundadv«
- choppernoun«
- rectanglenoun«
- crankshaftnoun«
- hydraulicallyadv«
- planetnoun«
- humeraladj«
- spindlenoun«
- orthogonaladj«
- discnoun«
- componentnoun«
- parabolanoun«
- humerusnoun«
- symmetricallyadv«
- backwardadj adv«
- fannoun verb«
- smoothlyadv«
- nebulanoun«
- independentlyadv«
- gingerlyadj adv«
- vanesnoun«
- flywheelnoun«
- squaresnoun verb«
- progressivelyadv«
- upwardsadv«
- occiputnoun«
- stirrernoun«
- earthnoun verb«
- rectanglesnoun«
- wheelsnoun verb«
- alphabeticallyadv«
- doublyadv«
- rapidlyadv«
- spacecraftnoun«
- fasteradj adv«
- femurnoun«
- airfoilsnoun«
- throughadj adv«
- crewsnoun verb«
- forearmnoun verb«
- incisorsnoun«
- successivelyadv«
- relativenoun adj«
- dynamicallyadv«
- maxillarynoun adj«
- cylindersnoun«
- factorsnoun verb«
- disknoun verb«
- forciblyadv«
- forwardnoun verb adj adv«
- elbowsnoun verb«
- freelyadv«
- intermittentlyadv«
- differentiallyadv«
- opticallyadv«
- approximatelyadv«
- wicknoun«
- uniformlyadv«
- counternoun verb adj adv«
- partiallyadv«
- versionnoun«
- squadronsnoun«
- temporallyadv«
- simultaneouslyadv«
- shiftsnoun verb«
- discsnoun«
- onto«
- paddlesnoun verb«
- toward«
- constantlyadv«
- teethnoun«
- alternatelyadv«
- triangularadj«
- workpiecenoun«
- earsnoun«
- axlenoun«
- posturesnoun verb«
- internsnoun verb«
- hipnoun adj«
- axisnoun«
- vertebraenoun«
- crystalnoun«
- radiallyadv«
- continuallyadv«
- upsidenoun«
- mutuallyadv«
- weeklynoun adj adv«
- analyzernoun«
- rhythmicallyadv«
- matrixnoun«
- beingnoun verb«
- cropsnoun verb«
- factorialnoun adj«
- physicallyadv«
- appropriatelyadv«
- cartesiannoun adj«
- until«
- antennanoun«
- spheresnoun«
- vectornoun«
- crystalsnoun«
- garnetnoun«
- positionnoun verb«
- severelyadv«
- analysernoun«
- toothnoun«
- prismnoun«
- vectorsnoun«
- magnetnoun«
- diagonallyadv«
- camnoun«
- imagesnoun verb«
- incisornoun«
- drumsnoun verb«
- backnoun verb adj adv«
- planenoun verb adj«
- textnoun«
- fansnoun verb«
- transverselyadv«
- eurasianoun«
- armaturenoun«
- gridsnoun«
- headnoun verb«
- posturenoun verb«
- subunitnoun«
- matricesnoun«
- rotornoun«
- gridnoun«
- excessivelyadv«
- overnightadj adv«
- battalionsnoun«
- blocksnoun verb«
- inadvertentlyadv«
- presidencynoun«
- faultnoun verb«
- eyeballnoun verb«
- imagenoun verb«
- turbinenoun«
- magnetizationnoun«
- componentsnoun«
- getsnoun verb«
- brisklyadv«
- individuallyadv«
- awayadj adv«
- rollersnoun«
- dimensionnoun verb«
- roundnoun verb adj adv«
- thighsnoun«
- amongstnoun«
- faradaynoun«
- framenoun verb«
- heavensnoun«
- principalnoun adj«
- trunknoun«
- beneathadv«
- helicopternoun«
- solutionnoun«
- carefullyadv«
- towardsnoun«
- squarenoun verb adj adv«
- cranknoun verb adj«
- positionsnoun verb«
- subsequentlyadv«
- gaitnoun«
- spindlesnoun«
- yearlynoun adj adv«
- orientationsnoun«
- frequentlyadv«
- endlesslyadv«
- globenoun«
- eastwardnoun adj adv«
- cameranoun«
- wildlyadv«
- pasturesnoun verb«
- chinnoun verb«
- perpendicularnoun adj«
- typicallyadv«
- 120noun adj«
- monthlynoun adj adv«
- gearsnoun verb«
- insidenoun adj adv«
- thumbsnoun verb«
- evenlyadv«
- normallyadv«
- underneathadv«
- easilyadv«
- legnoun«
- thumbnoun verb«
- dimensionsnoun verb«
- spherenoun«
- slumpnoun verb«
- barrelnoun verb«
- dailynoun adj adv«
- graduallyadv«
- teamsnoun verb«
- betweenadv«
- forcefullyadv«
- equitablyadv«
- wristnoun«
- atopadv«
- screennoun verb«
- sphericaladj«
- halfwayadj adv«
- fullyadv«
- rodnoun«
- usingnoun verb«
- disksnoun verb«
- starsnoun verb«
- solutionsnoun«
- correspondinglyadv«
- vigorouslyadv«
- simplyadv«
- alongadv«
- armnoun verb«
- dialnoun verb«
- orientationnoun«
- properlyadv«
- shouldernoun verb«
- shouldersnoun verb«
- needlenoun verb«
- objectsnoun verb«
- usuallyadv«
- planesnoun verb«
- during«
- throughoutadv«
- magnetsnoun«
- assignmentsnoun«
- markedlyadv«
- mandibularadj«
- artificiallyadv«
- thighnoun«
- lensnoun«
- homenoun verb adj adv«
- snapnoun verb«
- polygonnoun«
- twiceadv«
- trianglenoun«
- shapesnoun verb«
- wristsnoun«
- anglenoun verb«
- kidneysnoun«
- mathematicallyadv«
- outnoun verb adj adv«
- probenoun verb«
- westwardnoun adj adv«
- barrelsnoun verb«
- inclusionsnoun«
- coilnoun verb«
- separatelyadv«
- sunnoun verb«
- differentlyadv«
- latticenoun«
- limbnoun«
- lateralnoun adj«
- pilotsnoun verb«
- vertebraladj«
- locallyadv«
- proximaladj«
- archnoun verb adj«
- withinadv«
- convenientlyadv«
- copynoun verb«
- kneenoun«
- initiallyadv«
- rectangularadj«
- quicklyadv«
- telescopenoun verb«
- shaftsnoun verb«
- newlyadv«
- copiesnoun verb«
- grainsnoun verb«
- accordingverb adj«
- experimenternoun«
- platinumnoun«
- venusnoun«
- lognoun verb«
- onceadv«
- deliberatelyadv«
- via«
- domainsnoun«
- bladenoun«
- gracefullyadv«
- mirrornoun verb«
- facesnoun verb«
- dancersnoun«
- repeatedlyadv«
- antinoun adj«
- moonnoun verb«
- optionnoun«
- aircraftnoun«
- hourlyadj adv«
- spinenoun«
- togetheradj adv«
- pendulumnoun«
- bitsnoun«
- leftnoun verb adj adv«
- gearnoun verb«
- sufficientlyadv«
- overnoun adj adv«
- fragmentnoun verb«
- configurationnoun«
- camerasnoun«
- parallelnoun verb adj«
- handlenoun verb«
- symbolsnoun«
- platenoun verb«
- swiftlyadv«
- linearadj«
- paddlenoun verb«
- jobsnoun verb«
- prismsnoun«
- steadilyadv«
- effectivelyadv«
- correctlyadv«
- cagenoun verb«
- against«
- beamnoun verb«
- objectnoun verb«
- regimentsnoun verb«
- blocknoun verb«
- arraynoun verb«
- fartheradj adv«
- circlenoun verb«
- loadingnoun verb«
- ballnoun verb«
- pastnoun adj adv«
- violentlyadv«
- cutsnoun verb«
- drillnoun verb«
- viewsnoun verb«
- necknoun verb«
- quartznoun«
- cornnoun verb«
- legsnoun«
- overheadnoun adj adv«
- tubenoun verb«
- mercurynoun«
- tipnoun verb«
- suddenlyadv«
- trianglesnoun«
- improperlyadv«
- vanenoun«
- electrodenoun«
- marsnoun verb«
- stimulinoun«
- pulleynoun«
- stronglyadv«
- customarilyadv«
- frontalnoun adj«
- galaxynoun«
- watchesnoun verb«
- wirenoun verb«
- anteriornoun adj«
- rodsnoun«
- rightnoun verb adj adv«
- jawnoun verb«
- somewhatadv«
- accordinglyadv«
- actuallyadv«
aft, dimensional, bar, completely, loop, medial, abruptly, stimulus, molecule, arc, under, patterns, frames, eye, mirrors, variously, fractures, gradient, intentionally, segment, down, roller, grafted, now, sharply, satellite, till, degrees, pattern, filter, each, personnel, angles, specimen, meetings, reference, palms, distal, motor, nose, joints, kingship, fast, grating, extremity, chair, further, graphically, projections, platform, without, cutter, latitude, merely, projection, characteristically, silently, commonly, view, nurses, pasture, heads, slower, jupiter, exactly, figures, units, several, generally, foot, pilot, basis, actively, symbol, upright, residents, again, body, ship, molar, crew, whilst, students, shape, holder, above, patient, fields, leadership, engine, causing, visual, ring, electrodes, dome, northward, guards, element, fracture, commanders, fragments, bit, crop, plots, poles, posterior, eyes, depending, jaws, chart, behind, configurations, heavily, crane, display, wings, duties, sample, farmers, graph, dish, segments, uniquely, rings, occasionally, brushes, before, horizontal, coils, target, appears, title, detector, already, three, successfully, stress, participants, significantly, plates, forty, lever, relatively, lights, responsibility, wedge, vertical, troops, figure, arms, indexes, partly, one, similarly, roughly, tasks, officers, appear, bodily, toe, accidentally, more, beyond, positively, resulting, such, device, enough, having, craft, directly, turns, lid, compared, grazing, nearly, operator, abdomen, due, curve, system, sometimes, prior, 135, always, cone, data, members, forms, first, fairly, fingers, duty, team, half, upon, lenses, instead, degree, maze, previously, apparatus, open, apparently, quarterly, mechanism, face, allowing, soldiers, clock, core, final, opposite, offices, closed, sites, space, end, recently, overseas, experimentally, form, map, star, precisely, direction, upper, compass, less, arrow, very, battalion, roles, seats, cautiously, thru, moderately, pole, layers, partners, below, molecules, universe, kidney, guard, hand, points, bodies, light, possibly, equally, sky, traditionally, fig, mold, index, toes, model, shutter, considerably, rocket, sequence, vehicle, four, another, machine, point, whenever, limbs, skin, muscle, i.e., lower, spiral, input, flask, teachers, appreciably, staff, wave, readily, herself, unit, surfaces, operators, responsibilities, both, becomes, side, engines, signal, originally, managers, membership, picture, finger, instrument, versus, bottles, based, letters, phase, hands, lightly, tank, line, eventually, depends, field, near, weights, six, groups, condition, film, table, firmly, much, container, structure, directions, closer, observers, accurately, consistently, produces, five, stick, circular, car, characters, eight, owing, two, anywhere, longer, ones, items, normal, far, workers, shown, circles, layer, assembly, cells, players, finally, test, palm, pictures, employees, unless, tubes, regions, specimens, samples, diagram, box, tool, sections, stomach, still, elements, values, gun, selection, functions, safely, state, shell, features, immediately, permanently, design, ahead, men, outside, wing, section, set, hemisphere, himself, plot, recognize, structures, surface, close, chest, function, electrons, 160, itself, cross, joint, front, drills, elsewhere, turn, letter, seat, ten, knees, variables, pin, thirty, vessel, straight, 100, thus, difference, pipe, command, pair, corresponding, type, piece, station, lines, mill, appearance, myself, even, brush, individuals, orbit, quite, faults, independent, rarely, order, themselves, subjects, solid, jack, respectively, step, stage, permanent, companies, volume, probably, value, somehow, group, local, feet, mainly, currently, cut, schedule, twelve, radius, 300, results, nucleus, animals, following, extremities, perfectly, region, list, physicians, alongside, chain, rolls, east, spots, seven, cloud, wall, office, 200, night, converter, though, badly, full, chamber, analysis, judges, systems, involuntarily, naturally, central, valve, week, plan, room, thereby, different, formerly, base, never, part, north, guns, various, stone, free,
door, material, therefore, giving, pointer, heart, actors, except, original, stones, top, parties, service, parts, seldom, twenty, drawing, particle, meanwhile, world, portion, sessions, ribs, entirely, virtually, day, invariably, apart, user, those, ministers, second, others, simple, become, nine, commander, later, cell, many, likewise, working, grain, clear, well, job, panel, case, mass, areas, tail, subject, area, devices, here, single, causes, ships, work, window, boat, attitude, external, girls, people, council, land, gives, saturn, primary, everyone, year, families, low, something, complex, next, holes, water, site, long, states, doctors, small, really, officials, trigger, high, everything, alone, rats, new, bone, individual, bed, per, networks, roll, shall, card, brain, bowl, divisions, slit, cup, teacher, post, latter, cars, strictly, voluntarily, hole, baby, tower, switch, bridge, women, third, particles, board, floor, maybe, diameter, highly, vibration, glass, stock, getting, children, create, spot, cap, paper, essentially, preferably, officer, pan, column, drawn, remains, atoms, print, leaders, gentlemen, band, e.g., africa, animal, necessarily, forces, clearly, extremely, imagined, pupils, edge, computer, woman, walls, obviously, liver, plants, shows, man, substances, building, sheet, force, boys, gas, contains, want, including, indeed, time, eggs, remain, company, perhaps, program, path, source, sides, distance, president, power, patients, class, member, kept, fish, soon, life, whether, showing, acid, although, meeting, consequently, bottle, use, became, committee, best, former, same, person, america, include, europe, wind, show, air, father, called, distinctly, large, mind, key, fourth, whole, thing, ends, john, current, fact, family, flow, course, names, child, last, times, afterwards, produce, seen, record, scale, movement, house, found, cases, used, terms, place, major, government, activity, process, becoming, little, general, held,
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