watercress : Idioms & Phrases

american watercress

  • noun mat-forming perennial found in cold springs of the eastern United States
    American watercress; Cardamine rotundifolia.
  • noun of southwestern Europe; cultivated in Florida
    Barbarea verna; early winter cress; American cress; Belle Isle cress; Barbarea praecox; land cress.

common watercress

  • noun perennial Eurasian cress growing chiefly in springs or running water having fleshy pungent leaves used in salads or as a potherb or garnish; introduced in North America and elsewhere
    Nasturtium officinale; Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum.

mountain watercress

  • noun mat-forming perennial found in cold springs of the eastern United States
    American watercress; Cardamine rotundifolia.

yellow watercress

  • noun annual or biennial cress growing in damp places sometimes used in salads or as a potherb; troublesome weed in some localities
    marsh cress; Rorippa islandica.