rhubarb : Idioms & Phrases

bog rhubarb

  • noun small Eurasian herb having broad leaves and lilac-pink rayless flowers; found in moist areas
    Petasites vulgaris; Petasites hybridus; butterbur.

chinese rhubarb

  • noun long used for laxative properties
    Rheum palmatum.

garden rhubarb

  • noun long cultivated hybrid of Rheum palmatum; stems often cooked in pies or as sauce or preserves
    Rheum rhaponticum; Rheum rhabarbarum; pie plant; Rheum cultorum.

himalayan rhubarb

  • noun Asian herb (Himalayas)
    red-veined pie plant; Rheum australe; Himalayan rhubarb; Rheum emodi.

indian rhubarb

  • noun rhizomatous perennial herb with large dramatic peltate leaves and white to bright pink flowers in round heads on leafless stems; colonizes stream banks in the Sierra Nevada in California
    Peltiphyllum peltatum; umbrella plant; Darmera peltata.
  • noun Asian herb (Himalayas)
    red-veined pie plant; Rheum australe; Himalayan rhubarb; Rheum emodi.

Monk's rhubarb

  • (Bot.), a kind of dock; also called patience (Rumex Patientia).
Webster 1913

rhubarb pie

  • noun pie containing diced rhubarb and much sugar

rhubarb plant

  • noun plants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked; leaves are poisonous

Turkey rhubarb

  • (Med.), the roots of Rheum Emodi.
Webster 1913