medicago : Idioms & Phrases

genus medicago

  • noun a genus of herbs that resemble clover

medicago arborea

  • noun evergreen shrub of southern European highlands having downy foliage and a succession of yellow flowers throughout the summer followed by curious snail-shaped pods
    moon trefoil.

medicago echinus

  • noun an annual of the Mediterranean area having spiny seed pods and leaves with dark spots
    Medicago echinus; Calvary clover.

medicago falcata

  • noun European medic naturalized in North America having yellow flowers and sickle-shaped pods
    sickle lucerne; sickle medick; sickle alfalfa.

medicago intertexta

  • noun an annual of the Mediterranean area having spiny seed pods and leaves with dark spots
    Medicago echinus; Calvary clover.

medicago lupulina

  • noun prostrate European herb with small yellow flowers and curved black pods; naturalized in North America
    black medick; yellow trefoil; hop clover; nonesuch clover.

medicago sativa

  • noun important European leguminous forage plant with trifoliate leaves and blue-violet flowers grown widely as a pasture and hay crop
    alfalfa; lucerne.