magnetism : Idioms & Phrases

Animal magnetism

  • noun magnetic personal charm
    bewitchery; beguilement.
  • a force, more or less analogous to magnetism, which, it has been alleged, is produced in animal tissues, and passes from one body to another with or without actual contact. The existence of such a force, and its potentiality for the cure of disease, were asserted by Mesmer in 1775. His theories and methods were afterwards called mesmerism, a name which has been popularly applied to theories and claims not put forward by Mesmer himself. See Mesmerism, Biology, Od, Hypnotism.
  • . See Magnetism and Mesmerism.
Webster 1913


E*lec`tro-mag"net*ism noun
  1. The magnetism developed by a current of electricity; the science which treats of the development of magnetism by means of voltaic electricity, and of the properties or actions of the currents evolved.
Webster 1913

personal magnetism

  • noun a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others
    charisma; personal appeal.

Remanent magnetism

  • (Physics), magnetism which remains in a body that has little coercive force after the magnetizing force is withdrawn, as soft iron; called also residual magnetism.
Webster 1913

Residual magnetism

  • (Physics), remanent magnetism. See under Remanent.
Webster 1913

Terrestrial magnetism

  • the magnetic force exerted by the earth, and recognized by its effect upon magnetized needles and bars.
Webster 1913